Posts Tagged ‘Death’

Greeting and Blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ,

As I am here sitting in my apartment in San Antonio, Texas I am thinking about the disciples. Jesus purposely chose those 12 men, which is extremely uncommon during Jesus time period.  During those time you begin to learning the craft of your father, like Jesus did as a carpenter from his earthly farther Jesse. Likewise the disciple learned there craft as fishermen, tax collectors, tent makers, whatever it was they specialize in they had learned it from about age 10-13. The men were chosen at an older age, the one that the church didn’t want they were put through an extreme training program like no other person had seen before.  Just looking through the entire gospel we see the just endowed with all types of experiences from casting out demons, healing of the deaf, blind, to the dead being raised to Jesus walking on the waters, and calming the raging sea.  This was extreme training that lasted 40 months (3 1/2 years). I can relate to being in a process of training over the last 40 months of my life.  It has been some of the most difficult times in my entire life. Seeing people that I cared about who have been abused in all aspect of life, to personally being robbed, losing jobs, being injured, being without food, to losing people I care about in a relationships. Like the disciple who were traveling with Jesus, experienced near death experienced, terrible killing diseases, massive crowds, poor living conditions, having seeing there teacher being killed. You may be experiencing some of those things like I have experienced, or the disciple. A lost to a loved one, lost job, going through and ugly divorce, or being injured. It has a greater purpose, after the disciple when through the training program of Jesus they made such of an impacted on this world that we are still feeling the ramifications of there training that Jesus put them through. Just like us as we are tested, have trials, and even tribulations in our life. Those are the times we are being taught that God has a great purpose in our life.  We may not understand what is going on because the Word of God states that we don’t know the thoughts of God.

Isa 55:8-9

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

We just need to trust the is the Master is the Master, because He know what is going to happen. He created us and know the plans for our lives! He knows best for us.

Dear Heavenly Father,

As people read this blog, I pray that you just endow them with a peace and understanding that you know what is best for our lives.  We know you selected the disciple for a reason like you selected us to be apart of your wonderful kingdom.  We know you have greater plans for our lives, and ask that you keep training us and showing us that your always around us.  Keep us safe, and mold us more like your son Jesus, we love you Father! We ask all these thing in your beloved son Jesus. Amen